In today’s time, science has made so much progress. Nothing is impossible. Even surgery can change the shape of your face or lips. Cosmetic surgery is a part of plastic surgery in which surgeries correct face or lip disorders. Lip augmentation is a cosmetic surgery linked to the lips. Through this, people want to make their faces beautiful and give them a different look. Such surgeries happen all over the world. It makes the lips attractive and embossed. In the procedure, Collagen is injected into the lips, or the fat is transferred. The process is repeated to control the amount of fat and Collagen in the lips.
Lip surgery is (ปากกระจับ คือ, which is the term in Thai) needed when someone’s lips are thin or their shape is not correct. Many celebrities or even ordinary people have corrected their lips’ shape through surgery. If the lips are thin, people get lip augmentation treatment. Some people also resort to fuller lips injections.
When Is Lip Surgery Done?
Although this surgery is beneficial, doctors do not recommend it to everyone. For this, they only allow some special people to get it done:
- Difficulty In Speaking – If a person has a congenital disorder of the lips, the condition worsens to such an extent that they start having trouble speaking; at that instant, lip surgery is done to solve this problem.
- Abnormal Structure Of Lips– Many times, it has been seen that some people have an abnormal structure of lips, due to which they have to face a lot of embarrassment. For such people, lip surgery can prove to be a beneficial solution.
- Cleft Lip– Cleft lip refers to a disease transmitted to newborns in the mother’s womb. The main reason for getting lip surgery is to make the lips beautiful. Apart from this, it is also used to treat other lip-related problems like chapped lips.
- Surgery Does Not Cause Pain: Most people believe cosmetic surgery is harrowing, but this fear is entirely wrong. There is no pain in having lip surgery.
Some Misconceptions About Lip Surgery
Most people believe cosmetic surgery is excruciating, but this fear is entirely wrong. There is no pain in having lip surgery. You must undergo surgery many times, but you will get a permanent result. And the beauty of your lips remains forever. However, some celebs’ surgeries have shown side effects as well. Therefore, a qualified and good cosmetic surgeon should only perform such surgeries.
“Don’t Forget that apart from all this, you are beautiful in every way.”